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August Bicycles Workshop Update: That's it folks...for 2020

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

Naff clickbait title aside, we really have closed our order book for the rest of 2020, but only for custom frames and full bikes.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has paid their deposits, secured a build slot and put their trust in us. We know that pulling the trigger on an expensive luxury isn't at the top of everybody's priority list right now and that various issues make even the most determined customers hesitate (Brexit, kids, Joaquin Phoenix's speeches), so it means a lot to us that plenty of you have sent those all-important 'let's do this' emails. In fact, one of you replied with "Fucking A! Book me in before I spend my tax rebate on something I don't need!". more full bike or frame orders for this year, but do get in touch for next year. We already have a couple booked in for 2021 and there's no such thing as getting ideas in motion too early. We have started a Pinterest account now and anybody who has paid a deposit gets their own secret board to start filling with images that will give us an idea of what we are going to be designing and the pictures are flying in, so thanks to you all!

What are we still taking orders for this year? Basically, everything else, including:

Custom racks

Custom stems

Coffee tampers

Laser cutting

CAD design projects

Weird and wonderful fabrication jobs of all sizes (including bike display fixtures for shops)

There's also some new things being prototyped this year. We're learning to TIG weld at the moment and though we aren't quite stacking dimes yet, it's going pretty well. This is going to open up some new possibilities in terms of frames, accessories and other bits and pieces and once we've built a couple, done the right amount of R&D and are satisfied that everything is good, we will be offering some new options next year. Please note: we are not looking for guinea pigs (an offer we have received a couple of times!?). We will carry out all testing of new frames ourselves. Yes, we have a massive wedge of liability insurance, but when it comes to trying something new, we want to be the ones putting things through their paces, not customers. Maybe that's why we are five years in, with no failures and no broken bones on our consciences.

Unfortunately, we are still not looking to take on any repair work for wheels that we didn't initially build and frame repairs/mods will be carried out at our discretion. If we have time, we know you and your frame is in generally good order, we will definitely try to fit you in, but other than that, repairs are not on the cards right now.

So that's our attempt at clickbait. Maybe next time we'll write something about the Kar-trashians or detox teas or something. The week in stats:

Peloton rides completed: 2

Coffees drunk: infinitum

Hours of sleep lost to a teething bub: plenty

Feet of TIG welding laid: 3 (and rising)


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