Custom steel bicycles
We are happy to offer any combination of custom frame, fork, stem, rack or full build, but complete bikes are preferred to ensure seamless integration of chosen components with your custom frame. With several solutions engineered and manufactured in-house, including signature dropouts, head tubes, disc mounts and headset bearing covers, we can create the cleanest, most cohesive steel bicycles that look as good as they ride.
To date, we have built almost every style of bike including bespoke commuters, gravel, road, audax, mountain, and balance. To the right you will see a very small selection of our work that shows how varied our projects have been. Each one has been a faithful nod to both us as the builder and the client who had a clear vision of what they wanted and needed. We have never built the same bike twice, with one exception – a client that specifically ordered an identical pair at the same time.
We don't offer stock models which means that prices vary according to your vision. As a preliminary guide, our frames start at £4,000 and command higher prices from there. Please get in touch for more information about costs and wait times.
Please be aware that builds are taken at our discretion. This is not
us being elitist but ensuring that the pleasure of building bicycles remains our top priority, as well as giving our customers the most enjoyable experience possible. When we have a real connection
to a build, we produce our finest work and that's what all of our customers deserve. We are happy to recommend other builders
if we are not right for you.
Please get in touch to start your discussing your build.
Do you have professional insurance?
- Yes. We have full cover and have had it since day one, back in 2015. We are happy to send any customer a copy of our certificate of insurance to ensure peace of mind that they are working with a reputable professional.
I love the style of XXX bikes. Will you copy them?
- No. If you like someone's style, buy from them. We do not copy other builders and hope that they show us the same courtesy. Support the creators you admire in the best way possible – by commissioning them and highlighting them on your social channels.
Can I build my bike with you?
- That is not something we offer. We are a professional workshop, not a teaching facility, and as such do not have the right kind of insurance to let you use our machines or tooling.
Can I do work experience with you?
- As our workshop is built on the grounds of our home, we do not accept requests for work experience.
Will you sponsor me/my race team
- We are small and bespoke, so don't offer any sponsorships. We wish we were in a position to say yes to this kind of thing but we aren't. Sorry everyone!
Any other questions, please ask.